PLplot  5.15.0
plplot.d File Reference

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struct  plplot::PLcGrid
struct  plplot::PLcGrid2
struct  plplot::_N1
struct  plplot::_N2
struct  plplot::_N3
struct  plplot::_N4
struct  plplot::_N5
struct  plplot::_N6
struct  plplot::_N7
struct  plplot::_N8
struct  plplot::_N9
struct  plplot::_N10
struct  plplot::_N11




alias void plplot::function (PLINT, PLFLT *, PLFLT *) fill_func
alias void plplot::function (PLFLT, PLFLT, PLFLT *, PLFLT *, PLPointer) pltr_func
PLFLT ** plplot::convert_array (PLFLT[][] a)
PLINT plplot::plparseopts (char[][] args, PLINT mode)
void plplot::plvect (PLFLT[][] u, PLFLT[][] v, PLFLT scale, pltr_func pltr=null, PLPointer pltr_data=null)
void plplot::plvect (PLFLT[][] u, PLFLT[][] v, PLFLT scale, ref PLcGrid cgrid)
void plplot::plvect (PLFLT[][] u, PLFLT[][] v, PLFLT scale, ref PLcGrid2 cgrid2)
void plplot::plsvect (PLFLT[] arrowx, PLFLT[] arrowy, PLBOOL fill)
void plplot::plaxes (PLFLT x0, PLFLT y0, string xopt, PLFLT xtick, PLINT nxsub, string yopt, PLFLT ytick, PLINT nysub)
void plplot::plbin (PLFLT[] x, PLFLT[] y, PLINT opt)
void plplot::plbox (string xopt, PLFLT xtick, PLINT nxsub, string yopt, PLFLT ytick, PLINT nysub)
void plplot::plbox3 (string xopt, string xlabel, PLFLT xtick, PLINT nsubx, string yopt, string ylabel, PLFLT ytick, PLINT nsuby, string zopt, string zlabel, PLFLT ztick, PLINT nsubz)
void plplot::plcolorbar (PLFLT *p_colorbar_width, PLFLT *p_colorbar_height, PLINT opt, PLINT position, PLFLT x, PLFLT y, PLFLT x_length, PLFLT y_length, PLINT bg_color, PLINT bb_color, PLINT bb_style, PLFLT low_cap_color, PLFLT high_cap_color, PLINT cont_color, PLFLT cont_width, PLINT[] label_opts, string[] label, string[] axis_opts, PLFLT[] ticks, PLINT[] sub_ticks, PLFLT[][] values)
void plplot::plcont (PLFLT[][] f, PLINT kx, PLINT lx, PLINT ky, PLINT ly, PLFLT[] clevel, pltr_func pltr, PLPointer pltr_data=null)
void plplot::plcont (PLFLT[][] f, PLINT kx, PLINT lx, PLINT ky, PLINT ly, PLFLT[] clevel, ref PLcGrid cgrid)
void plplot::plcont (PLFLT[][] f, PLINT kx, PLINT lx, PLINT ky, PLINT ly, PLFLT[] clevel, ref PLcGrid2 cgrid2)
void plplot::plerrx (PLFLT[] xmin, PLFLT[] xmax, PLFLT[] y)
void plplot::plerry (PLFLT[] x, PLFLT[] ymin, PLFLT[] ymax)
void plplot::plfill (PLFLT[] x, PLFLT[] y)
void plplot::plfill3 (PLFLT[] x, PLFLT[] y, PLFLT[] z)
void plplot::plgdev (out string p_dev)
void plplot::plgfnam (out string fnam)
void plplot::plgradient (PLFLT[] x, PLFLT[] y, PLFLT angle)
void plplot::plgriddata (PLFLT[] x, PLFLT[] y, PLFLT[] z, PLFLT[] xg, PLFLT[] yg, PLFLT[][] zg, PLINT type, PLFLT data)
void plplot::plgver (out string p_ver)
void plplot::plhist (PLFLT[] data, PLFLT datmin, PLFLT datmax, PLINT nbin, PLINT opt)
void plplot::pllab (string xlabel, string ylabel, string tlabel)
void plplot::pllegend (PLFLT *p_legend_width, PLFLT *p_legend_height, PLINT opt, PLINT position, PLFLT x, PLFLT y, PLFLT plot_width, PLINT bg_color, PLINT bb_color, PLINT bb_style, PLINT nrow, PLINT ncolumn, PLINT[] opt_array, PLFLT text_offset, PLFLT text_scale, PLFLT text_spacing, PLFLT text_justification, PLINT[] text_colors, string[] text, PLINT[] box_colors, PLINT[] box_patterns, PLFLT[] box_scales, PLFLT[] box_line_widths, PLINT[] line_colors, PLINT[] line_styles, PLFLT[] line_widths, PLINT[] symbol_colors, PLFLT[] symbol_scales, PLINT[] symbol_numbers, string[] symbols)
void plplot::plline (PLFLT[] x, PLFLT[] y)
void plplot::plline3 (PLFLT[] x, PLFLT[] y, PLFLT[] z)
void plplot::plmap (mapform_func mapform, string type, PLFLT minlong, PLFLT maxlong, PLFLT minlat, PLFLT maxlat)
void plplot::plmapline (mapform_func mapform, string name, PLFLT minx, PLFLT maxx, PLFLT miny, PLFLT maxy, const PLINT[] plotentries)
void plplot::plmapstring (mapform_func mapform, string name, string string, PLFLT minx, PLFLT maxx, PLFLT miny, PLFLT maxy, const PLINT[] plotentries)
void plplot::plmaptex (mapform_func mapform, string name, PLFLT dx, PLFLT dy, PLFLT just, string text, PLFLT minx, PLFLT maxx, PLFLT miny, PLFLT maxy, PLINT plotentry)
void plplot::plmapfill (mapform_func mapform, string name, PLFLT minx, PLFLT maxx, PLFLT miny, PLFLT maxy, const PLINT[] plotentries)
void plplot::plmesh (PLFLT[] x, PLFLT[] y, PLFLT[][] z, PLINT opt)
void plplot::plmeshc (PLFLT[] x, PLFLT[] y, PLFLT[][] z, PLINT opt, PLFLT[] clevel)
void plplot::plmtex (string side, PLFLT disp, PLFLT pos, PLFLT just, string text)
void plplot::plmtex3 (string side, PLFLT disp, PLFLT pos, PLFLT just, string text)
void plplot::plot3d (PLFLT[] x, PLFLT[] y, PLFLT[][] z, PLINT opt, PLBOOL side)
void plplot::plot3dc (PLFLT[] x, PLFLT[] y, PLFLT[][] z, PLINT opt, PLFLT[] clevel)
void plplot::plot3dcl (PLFLT[] x, PLFLT[] y, PLFLT[][] z, PLINT opt, PLFLT[] clevel, PLINT ixstart, PLINT ixn, PLINT[] indexymin, PLINT[] indexymax)
void plplot::plpat (PLINT[] inc, PLINT[] del)
void plplot::plpoin (PLFLT[] x, PLFLT[] y, PLINT code)
void plplot::plpoin3 (PLFLT[] x, PLFLT[] y, PLFLT[] z, PLINT code)
void plplot::plstring (PLFLT[] x, PLFLT[] y, string text)
void plplot::plstring3 (PLFLT[] x, PLFLT[] y, PLFLT[] z, string text)
void plplot::plpoly3 (PLFLT[] x, PLFLT[] y, PLFLT[] z, PLBOOL[] draw, PLBOOL ifcc)
void plplot::plptex (PLFLT x, PLFLT y, PLFLT dx, PLFLT dy, PLFLT just, string text)
void plplot::plptex3 (PLFLT wx, PLFLT wy, PLFLT wz, PLFLT dx, PLFLT dy, PLFLT dz, PLFLT sx, PLFLT sy, PLFLT sz, PLFLT just, string text)
void plplot::plspal0 (string filename)
void plplot::plspal1 (string filename, PLBOOL interpolate)
void plplot::plscmap0 (PLINT[] r, PLINT[] g, PLINT[] b)
void plplot::plscmap0a (PLINT[] r, PLINT[] g, PLINT[] b, PLFLT[] a)
void plplot::plscmap1 (PLINT[] r, PLINT[] g, PLINT[] b)
void plplot::plscmap1a (PLINT[] r, PLINT[] g, PLINT[] b, PLFLT[] a)
void plplot::plscmap1l (PLBOOL itype, PLFLT[] intensity, PLFLT[] coord1, PLFLT[] coord2, PLFLT[] coord3, PLBOOL[] alt_hue_path=null)
void plplot::plscmap1la (PLBOOL itype, PLFLT[] intensity, PLFLT[] coord1, PLFLT[] coord2, PLFLT[] coord3, PLFLT[] a, PLBOOL[] alt_hue_path=null)
void plplot::plsdev (string devname)
void plplot::plsfnam (string fnam)
void plplot::plshade (PLFLT[][] a, def_func defined, PLFLT left, PLFLT right, PLFLT bottom, PLFLT top, PLFLT shade_min, PLFLT shade_max, PLINT sh_cmap, PLFLT sh_color, PLFLT sh_width, PLINT min_color, PLFLT min_width, PLINT max_color, PLFLT max_width, PLBOOL rectangular, pltr_func pltr=null, PLPointer pltr_data=null)
void plplot::plshades (PLFLT[][] a, def_func defined, PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax, PLFLT[] clevel, PLFLT fill_width, PLINT cont_color, PLFLT cont_width, PLBOOL rectangular, pltr_func pltr=null, PLPointer pltr_data=null)
void plplot::plshades (PLFLT[][] a, def_func defined, PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax, PLFLT[] clevel, PLFLT fill_width, PLINT cont_color, PLFLT cont_width, PLBOOL rectangular, ref PLcGrid cgrid)
void plplot::plshades (PLFLT[][] a, def_func defined, PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax, PLFLT[] clevel, PLFLT fill_width, PLINT cont_color, PLFLT cont_width, PLBOOL rectangular, ref PLcGrid2 cgrid2)
void plplot::plstart (string devname, PLINT nx, PLINT ny)
void plplot::plstripc (PLINT *id, string xspec, string yspec, PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT xjump, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax, PLFLT xlpos, PLFLT ylpos, PLBOOL y_ascl, PLBOOL acc, PLINT colbox, PLINT collab, PLINT[] colline, PLINT[] styline, string[] legline, string labx, string laby, string labtop)
void plplot::plimagefr (PLFLT[][] idata, PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax, PLFLT zmin, PLFLT zmax, PLFLT valuemin, PLFLT valuemax, pltr_func pltr=null, PLPointer pltr_data=null)
void plplot::plimagefr (PLFLT[][] idata, PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax, PLFLT zmin, PLFLT zmax, PLFLT valuemin, PLFLT valuemax, PLcGrid cgrid)
void plplot::plimagefr (PLFLT[][] idata, PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax, PLFLT zmin, PLFLT zmax, PLFLT valuemin, PLFLT valuemax, PLcGrid2 cgrid2)
void plplot::plimage (PLFLT[][] idata, PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax, PLFLT zmin, PLFLT zmax, PLFLT Dxmin, PLFLT Dxmax, PLFLT Dymin, PLFLT Dymax)
void plplot::plstyl (PLINT[] mark, PLINT[] space)
void plplot::plsurf3d (PLFLT[] x, PLFLT[] y, PLFLT[][] z, PLINT opt, PLFLT[] clevel=null)
void plplot::plsurf3dl (PLFLT[] x, PLFLT[] y, PLFLT[][] z, PLINT opt, PLFLT[] clevel, PLINT ixstart, PLINT ixn, PLINT[] indexymin, PLINT[] indexymax)
void plplot::plsym (PLFLT[] x, PLFLT[] y, PLINT code)
void plplot::pltimefmt (string fmt)
PLINT plplot::plsetopt (string opt, string optarg)
void plplot::plMinMax2dGrid (PLFLT[][] f, out PLFLT fmax, out PLFLT fmin)
void plplot::c_pl_setcontlabelformat (PLINT lexp, PLINT sigdig)
void plplot::c_pl_setcontlabelparam (PLFLT offset, PLFLT size, PLFLT spacing, PLINT active)
void plplot::c_pladv (PLINT page)
void plplot::c_plvect (PLFLT **u, PLFLT **v, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLFLT scale, void function(PLFLT, PLFLT, PLFLT *, PLFLT *, PLPointer) pltr, PLPointer pltr_data)
void plplot::c_plsvect (PLFLT *arrowx, PLFLT *arrowy, PLINT npts, PLBOOL fill)
void plplot::c_plaxes (PLFLT x0, PLFLT y0, const char *xopt, PLFLT xtick, PLINT nxsub, const char *yopt, PLFLT ytick, PLINT nysub)
void plplot::c_plbin (PLINT nbin, PLFLT *x, PLFLT *y, PLINT opt)
void plplot::c_plbop ()
void plplot::c_plbox (const char *xopt, PLFLT xtick, PLINT nxsub, const char *yopt, PLFLT ytick, PLINT nysub)
void plplot::c_plbox3 (const char *xopt, const char *xlabel, PLFLT xtick, PLINT nsubx, const char *yopt, const char *ylabel, PLFLT ytick, PLINT nsuby, const char *zopt, const char *zlabel, PLFLT ztick, PLINT nsubz)
void plplot::c_plbtime (PLINT *year, PLINT *month, PLINT *day, PLINT *hour, PLINT *min, PLFLT *sec, PLFLT ctime)
void plplot::c_plslabelfunc (void function(PLINT, PLFLT, char *, PLINT, PLPointer) labelfunc, PLPointer label_data)
void plplot::c_plcalc_world (PLFLT rx, PLFLT ry, PLFLT *wx, PLFLT *wy, PLINT *window)
void plplot::c_plarc (PLFLT x, PLFLT y, PLFLT a, PLFLT b, PLFLT angle1, PLFLT angle2, PLFLT rotate, PLBOOL fill)
void plplot::c_plclear ()
void plplot::c_plcol0 (PLINT icol0)
void plplot::c_plcol1 (PLFLT col1)
void plplot::c_plconfigtime (PLFLT scale, PLFLT offset1, PLFLT offset2, PLINT ccontrol, PLBOOL ifbtime_offset, PLINT year, PLINT month, PLINT day, PLINT hour, PLINT min, PLFLT sec)
void plplot::c_plcont (PLFLT **f, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT kx, PLINT lx, PLINT ky, PLINT ly, PLFLT *clevel, PLINT nlevel, void function(PLFLT, PLFLT, PLFLT *, PLFLT *, PLPointer) pltr, PLPointer pltr_data)
void plplot::plfcont (PLFLT function(PLINT, PLINT, PLPointer) f2eval, PLPointer f2eval_data, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT kx, PLINT lx, PLINT ky, PLINT ly, PLFLT *clevel, PLINT nlevel, void function(PLFLT, PLFLT, PLFLT *, PLFLT *, PLPointer) pltr, PLPointer pltr_data)
void plplot::c_plcpstrm (PLINT iplsr, PLBOOL flags)
void plplot::c_plctime (PLINT year, PLINT month, PLINT day, PLINT hour, PLINT min, PLFLT sec, PLFLT *ctime)
void plplot::pldid2pc (PLFLT *xmin, PLFLT *ymin, PLFLT *xmax, PLFLT *ymax)
void plplot::pldip2dc (PLFLT *xmin, PLFLT *ymin, PLFLT *xmax, PLFLT *ymax)
void plplot::c_plend ()
void plplot::c_plend1 ()
void plplot::c_plenv (PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax, PLINT just, PLINT axis)
void plplot::c_plenv0 (PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax, PLINT just, PLINT axis)
void plplot::c_pleop ()
void plplot::c_plerrx (PLINT n, PLFLT *xmin, PLFLT *xmax, PLFLT *y)
void plplot::c_plerry (PLINT n, PLFLT *x, PLFLT *ymin, PLFLT *ymax)
void plplot::c_plfamadv ()
void plplot::c_plfill (PLINT n, PLFLT *x, PLFLT *y)
void plplot::c_plfill3 (PLINT n, PLFLT *x, PLFLT *y, PLFLT *z)
void plplot::c_plflush ()
void plplot::c_plfont (PLINT ifont)
void plplot::c_plfontld (PLINT fnt)
void plplot::c_plgchr (PLFLT *p_def, PLFLT *p_ht)
void plplot::c_plgcol0 (PLINT icol0, PLINT *r, PLINT *g, PLINT *b)
void plplot::c_plgcol0a (PLINT icol0, PLINT *r, PLINT *g, PLINT *b, PLFLT *a)
void plplot::c_plgcolbg (PLINT *r, PLINT *g, PLINT *b)
void plplot::c_plgcolbga (PLINT *r, PLINT *g, PLINT *b, PLFLT *a)
void plplot::c_plgcompression (PLINT *compression)
void plplot::c_plgdev (char *p_dev)
void plplot::c_plgdidev (PLFLT *p_mar, PLFLT *p_aspect, PLFLT *p_jx, PLFLT *p_jy)
void plplot::c_plgdiori (PLFLT *p_rot)
void plplot::c_plgdiplt (PLFLT *p_xmin, PLFLT *p_ymin, PLFLT *p_xmax, PLFLT *p_ymax)
void plplot::c_plgfci (PLUNICODE *pfci)
void plplot::c_plgfam (PLINT *p_fam, PLINT *p_num, PLINT *p_bmax)
void plplot::c_plgfnam (char *fnam)
void plplot::c_plgfont (PLINT *p_family, PLINT *p_style, PLINT *p_weight)
void plplot::c_plglevel (PLINT *p_level)
void plplot::c_plgpage (PLFLT *p_xp, PLFLT *p_yp, PLINT *p_xleng, PLINT *p_yleng, PLINT *p_xoff, PLINT *p_yoff)
void plplot::c_plgra ()
void plplot::c_plgradient (PLINT n, PLFLT *x, PLFLT *y, PLFLT angle)
void plplot::c_plgriddata (PLFLT *x, PLFLT *y, PLFLT *z, PLINT npts, PLFLT *xg, PLINT nptsx, PLFLT *yg, PLINT nptsy, PLFLT **zg, PLINT type, PLFLT data)
void plplot::c_plgspa (PLFLT *xmin, PLFLT *xmax, PLFLT *ymin, PLFLT *ymax)
void plplot::c_plgstrm (PLINT *p_strm)
void plplot::c_plgver (char *p_ver)
void plplot::c_plgvpd (PLFLT *p_xmin, PLFLT *p_xmax, PLFLT *p_ymin, PLFLT *p_ymax)
void plplot::c_plgvpw (PLFLT *p_xmin, PLFLT *p_xmax, PLFLT *p_ymin, PLFLT *p_ymax)
void plplot::c_plgxax (PLINT *p_digmax, PLINT *p_digits)
void plplot::c_plgyax (PLINT *p_digmax, PLINT *p_digits)
void plplot::c_plgzax (PLINT *p_digmax, PLINT *p_digits)
void plplot::c_plhist (PLINT n, PLFLT *data, PLFLT datmin, PLFLT datmax, PLINT nbin, PLINT opt)
void plplot::c_plhlsrgb (PLFLT h, PLFLT l, PLFLT s, PLFLT *p_r, PLFLT *p_g, PLFLT *p_b)
void plplot::c_plinit ()
void plplot::c_pljoin (PLFLT x1, PLFLT y1, PLFLT x2, PLFLT y2)
void plplot::c_pllab (const char *xlabel, const char *ylabel, const char *tlabel)
void plplot::c_pllegend (PLFLT *p_legend_width, PLFLT *p_legend_height, PLINT opt, PLINT position, PLFLT x, PLFLT y, PLFLT plot_width, PLINT bg_color, PLINT bb_color, PLINT bb_style, PLINT nrow, PLINT ncolumn, PLINT nlegend, PLINT *opt_array, PLFLT text_offset, PLFLT text_scale, PLFLT text_spacing, PLFLT text_justification, PLINT *text_colors, const char **text, PLINT *box_colors, PLINT *box_patterns, PLFLT *box_scales, PLFLT *box_line_widths, PLINT *line_colors, PLINT *line_styles, PLFLT *line_widths, PLINT *symbol_colors, PLFLT *symbol_scales, PLINT *symbol_numbers, const char **symbols)
void plplot::c_plcolorbar (PLFLT *p_colorbar_width, PLFLT *p_colorbar_height, PLINT opt, PLINT position, PLFLT x, PLFLT y, PLFLT x_length, PLFLT y_length, PLINT bg_color, PLINT bb_color, PLINT bb_style, PLFLT low_cap_color, PLFLT high_cap_color, PLINT cont_color, PLFLT cont_width, PLINT n_labels, const PLINT *label_opts, const char **label, PLINT n_axes, const char **axis_opts, const PLFLT *ticks, const PLINT *sub_ticks, const PLINT *n_values, const PLFLT **values)
void plplot::c_pllightsource (PLFLT x, PLFLT y, PLFLT z)
void plplot::c_plline (PLINT n, PLFLT *x, PLFLT *y)
void plplot::c_plline3 (PLINT n, PLFLT *x, PLFLT *y, PLFLT *z)
void plplot::c_pllsty (PLINT lin)
void plplot::c_plmap (void function(PLINT, PLFLT *, PLFLT *) mapform, const char *type, PLFLT minlong, PLFLT maxlong, PLFLT minlat, PLFLT maxlat)
void plplot::c_plmapline (void function(PLINT, PLFLT *, PLFLT *) mapform, const char *name, PLFLT minx, PLFLT maxx, PLFLT miny, PLFLT maxy, const PLINT *plotentries, PLINT nplotentries)
void plplot::c_plmapstring (void function(PLINT, PLFLT *, PLFLT *) mapform, const char *name, const char *string, PLFLT minx, PLFLT maxx, PLFLT miny, PLFLT maxy, const PLINT *plotentries, PLINT nplotentries)
void plplot::c_plmaptex (void function(PLINT, PLFLT *, PLFLT *) mapform, const char *name, PLFLT dx, PLFLT dy, PLFLT just, const char *text, PLFLT minx, PLFLT maxx, PLFLT miny, PLFLT maxy, PLINT plotentry)
void plplot::c_plmapfill (void function(PLINT, PLFLT *, PLFLT *) mapform, const char *name, PLFLT minx, PLFLT maxx, PLFLT miny, PLFLT maxy, const PLINT *plotentries, PLINT nplotentries)
void plplot::c_plmeridians (void function(PLINT, PLFLT *, PLFLT *) mapform, PLFLT dlong, PLFLT dlat, PLFLT minlong, PLFLT maxlong, PLFLT minlat, PLFLT maxlat)
void plplot::c_plmesh (PLFLT *x, PLFLT *y, PLFLT **z, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT opt)
void plplot::c_plmeshc (PLFLT *x, PLFLT *y, PLFLT **z, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT opt, PLFLT *clevel, PLINT nlevel)
void plplot::c_plmkstrm (PLINT *p_strm)
void plplot::c_plmtex (const char *side, PLFLT disp, PLFLT pos, PLFLT just, const char *text)
void plplot::c_plmtex3 (const char *side, PLFLT disp, PLFLT pos, PLFLT just, const char *text)
void plplot::c_plot3d (PLFLT *x, PLFLT *y, PLFLT **z, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT opt, PLBOOL side)
void plplot::c_plot3dc (PLFLT *x, PLFLT *y, PLFLT **z, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT opt, PLFLT *clevel, PLINT nlevel)
void plplot::c_plot3dcl (PLFLT *x, PLFLT *y, PLFLT **z, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT opt, PLFLT *clevel, PLINT nlevel, PLINT ixstart, PLINT ixn, PLINT *indexymin, PLINT *indexymax)
void plplot::c_plpat (PLINT nlin, PLINT *inc, PLINT *del)
void plplot::c_plpath (PLINT n, PLFLT x1, PLFLT y1, PLFLT x2, PLFLT y2)
void plplot::c_plpoin (PLINT n, PLFLT *x, PLFLT *y, PLINT code)
void plplot::c_plpoin3 (PLINT n, PLFLT *x, PLFLT *y, PLFLT *z, PLINT code)
void plplot::c_plpoly3 (PLINT n, PLFLT *x, PLFLT *y, PLFLT *z, PLBOOL *draw, PLBOOL ifcc)
void plplot::c_plstring (PLINT n, PLFLT *x, PLFLT *y, const char *text)
void plplot::c_plstring3 (PLINT n, PLFLT *x, PLFLT *y, PLFLT *z, const char *text)
void plplot::c_plprec (PLINT setp, PLINT prec)
void plplot::c_plpsty (PLINT patt)
void plplot::c_plptex (PLFLT x, PLFLT y, PLFLT dx, PLFLT dy, PLFLT just, const char *text)
void plplot::c_plptex3 (PLFLT wx, PLFLT wy, PLFLT wz, PLFLT dx, PLFLT dy, PLFLT dz, PLFLT sx, PLFLT sy, PLFLT sz, PLFLT just, const char *text)
PLFLT plplot::c_plrandd ()
void plplot::c_plreplot ()
void plplot::c_plrgbhls (PLFLT r, PLFLT g, PLFLT b, PLFLT *p_h, PLFLT *p_l, PLFLT *p_s)
void plplot::c_plschr (PLFLT def, PLFLT scale)
void plplot::c_plscmap0 (PLINT *r, PLINT *g, PLINT *b, PLINT ncol0)
void plplot::c_plscmap0a (PLINT *r, PLINT *g, PLINT *b, PLFLT *a, PLINT ncol0)
void plplot::c_plscmap0n (PLINT ncol0)
void plplot::c_plscmap1 (PLINT *r, PLINT *g, PLINT *b, PLINT ncol1)
void plplot::c_plscmap1a (PLINT *r, PLINT *g, PLINT *b, PLFLT *a, PLINT ncol1)
void plplot::c_plscmap1l (PLBOOL itype, PLINT npts, PLFLT *intensity, PLFLT *coord1, PLFLT *coord2, PLFLT *coord3, PLBOOL *alt_hue_path)
void plplot::c_plscmap1la (PLBOOL itype, PLINT npts, PLFLT *intensity, PLFLT *coord1, PLFLT *coord2, PLFLT *coord3, PLFLT *a, PLBOOL *alt_hue_path)
void plplot::c_plscmap1n (PLINT ncol1)
void plplot::c_plscmap1_range (PLFLT min_color, PLFLT max_color)
void plplot::c_plgcmap1_range (PLFLT *min_color, PLFLT *max_color)
void plplot::c_plscol0 (PLINT icol0, PLINT r, PLINT g, PLINT b)
void plplot::c_plscol0a (PLINT icol0, PLINT r, PLINT g, PLINT b, PLFLT a)
void plplot::c_plscolbg (PLINT r, PLINT g, PLINT b)
void plplot::c_plscolbga (PLINT r, PLINT g, PLINT b, PLFLT a)
void plplot::c_plscolor (PLINT color)
void plplot::c_plscompression (PLINT compression)
void plplot::c_plsdev (const char *devname)
void plplot::c_plsdidev (PLFLT mar, PLFLT aspect, PLFLT jx, PLFLT jy)
void plplot::c_plsdimap (PLINT dimxmin, PLINT dimxmax, PLINT dimymin, PLINT dimymax, PLFLT dimxpmm, PLFLT dimypmm)
void plplot::c_plsdiori (PLFLT rot)
void plplot::c_plsdiplt (PLFLT xmin, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymax)
void plplot::c_plsdiplz (PLFLT xmin, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymax)
void plplot::c_plseed (uint s)
void plplot::c_plsesc (char esc)
void plplot::c_plsfam (PLINT fam, PLINT num, PLINT bmax)
void plplot::c_plsfci (PLUNICODE fci)
void plplot::c_plsfnam (const char *fnam)
void plplot::c_plsfont (PLINT family, PLINT style, PLINT weight)
void plplot::c_plshade (PLFLT **a, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT function(PLFLT, PLFLT) defined, PLFLT left, PLFLT right, PLFLT bottom, PLFLT top, PLFLT shade_min, PLFLT shade_max, PLINT sh_cmap, PLFLT sh_color, PLFLT sh_width, PLINT min_color, PLFLT min_width, PLINT max_color, PLFLT max_width, void function(PLINT, PLFLT *, PLFLT *) fill, PLBOOL rectangular, void function(PLFLT, PLFLT, PLFLT *, PLFLT *, PLPointer) pltr, PLPointer pltr_data)
void plplot::c_plshades (PLFLT **a, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT function(PLFLT, PLFLT) defined, PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax, PLFLT *clevel, PLINT nlevel, PLFLT fill_width, PLINT cont_color, PLFLT cont_width, void function(PLINT, PLFLT *, PLFLT *) fill, PLBOOL rectangular, void function(PLFLT, PLFLT, PLFLT *, PLFLT *, PLPointer) pltr, PLPointer pltr_data)
void plplot::plfshade (PLFLT function(PLINT, PLINT, PLPointer) f2eval, PLPointer f2eval_data, PLFLT function(PLINT, PLINT, PLPointer) c2eval, PLPointer c2eval_data, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLFLT left, PLFLT right, PLFLT bottom, PLFLT top, PLFLT shade_min, PLFLT shade_max, PLINT sh_cmap, PLFLT sh_color, PLFLT sh_width, PLINT min_color, PLFLT min_width, PLINT max_color, PLFLT max_width, void function(PLINT, PLFLT *, PLFLT *) fill, PLBOOL rectangular, void function(PLFLT, PLFLT, PLFLT *, PLFLT *, PLPointer) pltr, PLPointer pltr_data)
void plplot::c_plsmaj (PLFLT def, PLFLT scale)
void plplot::c_plsmem (PLINT maxx, PLINT maxy, void *plotmem)
void plplot::c_plsmin (PLFLT def, PLFLT scale)
void plplot::c_plsori (PLINT ori)
void plplot::c_plspage (PLFLT xp, PLFLT yp, PLINT xleng, PLINT yleng, PLINT xoff, PLINT yoff)
void plplot::c_plspal0 (const char *filename)
void plplot::c_plspal1 (const char *filename, PLBOOL interpolate)
void plplot::c_plspause (PLBOOL pause)
void plplot::c_plsstrm (PLINT strm)
void plplot::c_plssub (PLINT nx, PLINT ny)
void plplot::c_plssym (PLFLT def, PLFLT scale)
void plplot::c_plstar (PLINT nx, PLINT ny)
void plplot::c_plstart (const char *devname, PLINT nx, PLINT ny)
void plplot::c_plstransform (ct_func coordinate_transform=null, PLPointer coordinate_transform_data=null)
void plplot::c_plstripa (PLINT id, PLINT pen, PLFLT x, PLFLT y)
void plplot::c_plstripc (PLINT *id, const char *xspec, const char *yspec, PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT xjump, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax, PLFLT xlpos, PLFLT ylpos, PLBOOL y_ascl, PLBOOL acc, PLINT colbox, PLINT collab, PLINT *colline, PLINT *styline, const char **legline, const char *labx, const char *laby, const char *labtop)
void plplot::c_plstripd (PLINT id)
void plplot::c_plimagefr (PLFLT **idata, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax, PLFLT zmin, PLFLT zmax, PLFLT valuemin, PLFLT valuemax, void function(PLFLT, PLFLT, PLFLT *, PLFLT *, PLPointer), PLPointer pltr_data)
void plplot::c_plimage (PLFLT **idata, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax, PLFLT zmin, PLFLT zmax, PLFLT Dxmin, PLFLT Dxmax, PLFLT Dymin, PLFLT Dymax)
void plplot::c_plstyl (PLINT nms, PLINT *mark, PLINT *space)
void plplot::c_plsurf3d (PLFLT *x, PLFLT *y, PLFLT **z, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT opt, PLFLT *clevel, PLINT nlevel)
void plplot::c_plsurf3dl (PLFLT *x, PLFLT *y, PLFLT **z, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLINT opt, PLFLT *clevel, PLINT nlevel, PLINT ixstart, PLINT ixn, PLINT *indexymin, PLINT *indexymax)
void plplot::c_plsvpa (PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax)
void plplot::c_plsxax (PLINT digmax, PLINT digits)
void plplot::plsxwin (PLINT window_id)
void plplot::c_plsyax (PLINT digmax, PLINT digits)
void plplot::c_plsym (PLINT n, PLFLT *x, PLFLT *y, PLINT code)
void plplot::c_plszax (PLINT digmax, PLINT digits)
void plplot::c_pltext ()
 Switches to text screen. More...
void plplot::c_pltimefmt (const char *fmt)
void plplot::c_plvasp (PLFLT aspect)
void plplot::c_plvpas (PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax, PLFLT aspect)
void plplot::c_plvpor (PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax)
void plplot::c_plvsta ()
void plplot::c_plw3d (PLFLT basex, PLFLT basey, PLFLT height, PLFLT xmin0, PLFLT xmax0, PLFLT ymin0, PLFLT ymax0, PLFLT zmin0, PLFLT zmax0, PLFLT alt, PLFLT az)
void plplot::c_plwidth (PLFLT width)
void plplot::c_plwind (PLFLT xmin, PLFLT xmax, PLFLT ymin, PLFLT ymax)
void plplot::c_plxormod (PLBOOL mode, PLBOOL *status)
void plplot::plgFileDevs (char ***p_menustr, char ***p_devname, int *p_ndev)
void plplot::plgDevs (char ***p_menustr, char ***p_devname, int *p_ndev)
void plplot::plsKeyEH (void function(PLGraphicsIn *, void *, int *) KeyEH, void *KeyEH_data)
void plplot::plsButtonEH (void function(PLGraphicsIn *, void *, int *) ButtonEH, void *ButtonEH_data)
void plplot::plsbopH (void function(void *, int *) handler, void *handler_data)
void plplot::plseopH (void function(void *, int *) handler, void *handler_data)
void plplot::plsError (PLINT *errcode, const char *errmsg)
void plplot::plsexit (int function(const char *) handler)
void plplot::plsabort (void function(const char *) handler)
void plplot::pltr0 (PLFLT x, PLFLT y, PLFLT *tx, PLFLT *ty, PLPointer pltr_data)
void plplot::pltr1 (PLFLT x, PLFLT y, PLFLT *tx, PLFLT *ty, PLPointer pltr_data)
void plplot::pltr2 (PLFLT x, PLFLT y, PLFLT *tx, PLFLT *ty, PLPointer pltr_data)
void plplot::pltr2p (PLFLT x, PLFLT y, PLFLT *tx, PLFLT *ty, PLPointer pltr_data)
void plplot::pltr0f (PLFLT x, PLFLT y, PLFLT *tx, PLFLT *ty, void *pltr_data)
void plplot::pltr2f (PLFLT x, PLFLT y, PLFLT *tx, PLFLT *ty, void *pltr_data)
PLFLT plplot::plf2eval2 (PLINT ix, PLINT iy, PLPointer plf2eval_data)
PLFLT plplot::plf2eval (PLINT ix, PLINT iy, PLPointer plf2eval_data)
PLFLT plplot::plf2evalr (PLINT ix, PLINT iy, PLPointer plf2eval_data)
void plplot::plClearOpts ()
void plplot::plResetOpts ()
PLINT plplot::plMergeOpts (PLOptionTable *options, const char *name, const char **notes)
void plplot::plSetUsage (const char *program_string, const char *usage_string)
PLINT plplot::c_plsetopt (const char *opt, const char *optarg)
PLINT plplot::c_plparseopts (int *p_argc, char **argv, PLINT mode)
void plplot::plOptUsage ()
void plplot::plgesc (char *p_esc)
void plplot::pl_cmd (PLINT op, void *ptr)
PLINT plplot::plFindName (char *p)
char * plplot::plFindCommand (const char *fn)
void plplot::plGetName (const char *dir, const char *subdir, const char *filename, char **filespec)
PLINT plplot::plGetInt (const char *s)
PLFLT plplot::plGetFlt (const char *s)
void plplot::plAlloc2dGrid (PLFLT ***f, PLINT nx, PLINT ny)
void plplot::plFree2dGrid (PLFLT **f, PLINT nx, PLINT ny)
void plplot::plMinMax2dGrid (PLFLT **f, PLINT nx, PLINT ny, PLFLT *fmax, PLFLT *fmin)
PLINT plplot::plGetCursor (PLGraphicsIn *gin)
PLINT plplot::plTranslateCursor (PLGraphicsIn *gin)


alias uint plplot::PLUNICODE
alias int plplot::PLINT
alias PLINT plplot::PLBOOL
alias void * plplot::PLPointer
const plplot::PLESC_SET_RGB = 1
const plplot::PLESC_ALLOC_NCOL = 2
const plplot::PLESC_SET_LPB = 3
const plplot::PLESC_EXPOSE = 4
const plplot::PLESC_RESIZE = 5
const plplot::PLESC_REDRAW = 6
const plplot::PLESC_TEXT = 7
const plplot::PLESC_GRAPH = 8
const plplot::PLESC_FILL = 9
const plplot::PLESC_DI = 10
const plplot::PLESC_FLUSH = 11
const plplot::PLESC_EH = 12
const plplot::PLESC_GETC = 13
const plplot::PLESC_SWIN = 14
const plplot::PLESC_DOUBLEBUFFERING = 15
const plplot::PLESC_XORMOD = 16
const plplot::PLESC_SET_COMPRESSION = 17
const plplot::PLESC_CLEAR = 18
const plplot::PLESC_DASH = 19
const plplot::PLESC_HAS_TEXT = 20
const plplot::PLESC_IMAGE = 21
const plplot::PLESC_IMAGEOPS = 22
const plplot::PLESC_PL2DEVCOL = 23
const plplot::PLESC_DEV2PLCOL = 24
const plplot::PLESC_SETBGFG = 25
const plplot::PLESC_DEVINIT = 26
const plplot::PLESC_GETBACKEND = 27
const plplot::PLESC_BEGIN_TEXT = 28
const plplot::PLESC_TEXT_CHAR = 29
const plplot::PLESC_CONTROL_CHAR = 30
const plplot::PLESC_END_TEXT = 31
const plplot::PLESC_START_RASTERIZE = 32
const plplot::PLESC_END_RASTERIZE = 33
const plplot::PLESC_ARC = 34
const plplot::PLESC_GRADIENT = 35
const plplot::PLESC_MODESET = 36
const plplot::PLESC_MODEGET = 37
const plplot::PLESC_FIXASPECT = 38
const plplot::PLESC_IMPORT_BUFFER = 39
const plplot::PLESC_APPEND_BUFFER = 40
const plplot::PLTEXT_FONTCHANGE = 0
const plplot::PLTEXT_SUPERSCRIPT = 1
const plplot::PLTEXT_SUBSCRIPT = 2
const plplot::PLTEXT_BACKCHAR = 3
const plplot::PLTEXT_OVERLINE = 4
const plplot::PLTEXT_UNDERLINE = 5
const plplot::ZEROW2B = 1
const plplot::ZEROW2D = 2
const plplot::ONEW2B = 3
const plplot::ONEW2D = 4
const plplot::PLSWIN_DEVICE = 1
const plplot::PLSWIN_WORLD = 2
const plplot::PL_X_AXIS = 1
const plplot::PL_Y_AXIS = 2
const plplot::PL_Z_AXIS = 3
const plplot::PL_OPT_ENABLED = 0x0001
const plplot::PL_OPT_ARG = 0x0002
const plplot::PL_OPT_NODELETE = 0x0004
const plplot::PL_OPT_INVISIBLE = 0x0008
const plplot::PL_OPT_DISABLED = 0x0010
const plplot::PL_OPT_FUNC = 0x0100
const plplot::PL_OPT_BOOL = 0x0200
const plplot::PL_OPT_INT = 0x0400
const plplot::PL_OPT_FLOAT = 0x0800
const plplot::PL_OPT_STRING = 0x1000
const plplot::PL_PARSE_PARTIAL = 0x0000
const plplot::PL_PARSE_FULL = 0x0001
const plplot::PL_PARSE_QUIET = 0x0002
const plplot::PL_PARSE_NODELETE = 0x0004
const plplot::PL_PARSE_SHOWALL = 0x0008
const plplot::PL_PARSE_OVERRIDE = 0x0010
const plplot::PL_PARSE_NOPROGRAM = 0x0020
const plplot::PL_PARSE_NODASH = 0x0040
const plplot::PL_PARSE_SKIP = 0x0080
const plplot::PL_FCI_MARK = 0x80000000
const plplot::PL_FCI_IMPOSSIBLE = 0x00000000
const plplot::PL_FCI_HEXDIGIT_MASK = 0xf
const plplot::PL_FCI_HEXPOWER_MASK = 0x7
const plplot::PL_FCI_HEXPOWER_IMPOSSIBLE = 0xf
const plplot::PL_FCI_FAMILY = 0x0
const plplot::PL_FCI_STYLE = 0x1
const plplot::PL_FCI_WEIGHT = 0x2
const plplot::PL_FCI_SANS = 0x0
const plplot::PL_FCI_SERIF = 0x1
const plplot::PL_FCI_MONO = 0x2
const plplot::PL_FCI_SCRIPT = 0x3
const plplot::PL_FCI_SYMBOL = 0x4
const plplot::PL_FCI_UPRIGHT = 0x0
const plplot::PL_FCI_ITALIC = 0x1
const plplot::PL_FCI_OBLIQUE = 0x2
const plplot::PL_FCI_MEDIUM = 0x0
const plplot::PL_FCI_BOLD = 0x1
const plplot::PL_MAXKEY = 16
const plplot::PL_MASK_SHIFT = 0x1
const plplot::PL_MASK_CAPS = 0x2
const plplot::PL_MASK_CONTROL = 0x4
const plplot::PL_MASK_ALT = 0x8
const plplot::PL_MASK_NUM = 0x10
const plplot::PL_MASK_ALTGR = 0x20
const plplot::PL_MASK_WIN = 0x40
const plplot::PL_MASK_SCROLL = 0x80
const plplot::PL_MASK_BUTTON1 = 0x100
const plplot::PL_MASK_BUTTON2 = 0x200
const plplot::PL_MASK_BUTTON3 = 0x400
const plplot::PL_MASK_BUTTON4 = 0x800
const plplot::PL_MASK_BUTTON5 = 0x1000
const plplot::PL_MAXWINDOWS = 64
const plplot::PL_NOTSET = ( -42 )
const plplot::PL_BIN_DEFAULT = 0x0
const plplot::PL_BIN_CENTRED = 0x1
const plplot::PL_BIN_NOEXPAND = 0x2
const plplot::PL_BIN_NOEMPTY = 0x4
const plplot::GRID_CSA = 1
const plplot::GRID_DTLI = 2
const plplot::GRID_NNI = 3
const plplot::GRID_NNIDW = 4
const plplot::GRID_NNLI = 5
const plplot::GRID_NNAIDW = 6
const plplot::PL_HIST_DEFAULT = 0x00
const plplot::PL_HIST_NOSCALING = 0x01
const plplot::PL_HIST_IGNORE_OUTLIERS = 0x02
const plplot::PL_HIST_NOEXPAND = 0x08
const plplot::PL_HIST_NOEMPTY = 0x10
const plplot::PL_POSITION_NULL = 0x0
const plplot::PL_POSITION_LEFT = 0x1
const plplot::PL_POSITION_RIGHT = 0x2
const plplot::PL_POSITION_TOP = 0x4
const plplot::PL_POSITION_BOTTOM = 0x8
const plplot::PL_POSITION_INSIDE = 0x10
const plplot::PL_POSITION_OUTSIDE = 0x20
const plplot::PL_POSITION_VIEWPORT = 0x40
const plplot::PL_POSITION_SUBPAGE = 0x80
const plplot::PL_LEGEND_NULL = 0x0
const plplot::PL_LEGEND_NONE = 0x1
const plplot::PL_LEGEND_COLOR_BOX = 0x2
const plplot::PL_LEGEND_LINE = 0x4
const plplot::PL_LEGEND_SYMBOL = 0x8
const plplot::PL_LEGEND_TEXT_LEFT = 0x10
const plplot::PL_LEGEND_BACKGROUND = 0x20
const plplot::PL_LEGEND_BOUNDING_BOX = 0x40
const plplot::PL_LEGEND_ROW_MAJOR = 0x80
const plplot::PL_COLORBAR_NULL = 0x0
const plplot::PL_COLORBAR_LABEL_LEFT = 0x1
const plplot::PL_COLORBAR_LABEL_RIGHT = 0x2
const plplot::PL_COLORBAR_LABEL_TOP = 0x4
const plplot::PL_COLORBAR_LABEL_BOTTOM = 0x8
const plplot::PL_COLORBAR_IMAGE = 0x10
const plplot::PL_COLORBAR_SHADE = 0x20
const plplot::PL_COLORBAR_GRADIENT = 0x40
const plplot::PL_COLORBAR_CAP_NONE = 0x80
const plplot::PL_COLORBAR_CAP_LOW = 0x100
const plplot::PL_COLORBAR_CAP_HIGH = 0x200
const plplot::PL_COLORBAR_SHADE_LABEL = 0x400
const plplot::PL_COLORBAR_ORIENT_RIGHT = 0x800
const plplot::PL_COLORBAR_ORIENT_TOP = 0x1000
const plplot::PL_COLORBAR_ORIENT_LEFT = 0x2000
const plplot::PL_COLORBAR_ORIENT_BOTTOM = 0x4000
const plplot::PL_COLORBAR_BACKGROUND = 0x8000
const plplot::PL_COLORBAR_BOUNDING_BOX = 0x10000
const plplot::PL_DRAWMODE_UNKNOWN = 0x0
const plplot::PL_DRAWMODE_DEFAULT = 0x1
const plplot::PL_DRAWMODE_REPLACE = 0x2
const plplot::PL_DRAWMODE_XOR = 0x4
const plplot::DRAW_LINEX = 0x001
const plplot::DRAW_LINEY = 0x002
const plplot::DRAW_LINEXY = 0x003
const plplot::MAG_COLOR = 0x004
const plplot::BASE_CONT = 0x008
const plplot::TOP_CONT = 0x010
const plplot::SURF_CONT = 0x020
const plplot::DRAW_SIDES = 0x040
const plplot::FACETED = 0x080
const plplot::MESH = 0x100
alias _N1 plplot::PLOptionTable
alias _N2 plplot::PLGraphicsIn
alias _N3 plplot::PLWindow
alias _N4 plplot::PLDisplay
alias _N5 plplot::PLfGrid
alias _N6 plplot::PLfGrid2
alias _N7 plplot::c_PLcGrid
alias _N8 plplot::c_PLcGrid2
alias _N9 plplot::PLColor
alias _N10 plplot::PLControlPt
alias _N11 plplot::PLBufferingCB
alias c_pl_setcontlabelformat plplot::pl_setcontlabelformat
alias c_pl_setcontlabelparam plplot::pl_setcontlabelparam
alias c_pladv plplot::pladv
alias c_plbop plplot::plbop
alias c_plbtime plplot::plbtime
alias c_plslabelfunc plplot::plslabelfunc
alias c_plcalc_world plplot::plcalc_world
alias c_plarc plplot::plarc
alias c_plclear plplot::plclear
alias c_plcol0 plplot::plcol0
alias c_plcol1 plplot::plcol1
alias c_plconfigtime plplot::plconfigtime
alias c_plcpstrm plplot::plcpstrm
alias c_plctime plplot::plctime
alias c_plend plplot::plend
alias c_plend1 plplot::plend1
alias c_plenv plplot::plenv
alias c_plenv0 plplot::plenv0
alias c_pleop plplot::pleop
alias c_plfamadv plplot::plfamadv
alias c_plflush plplot::plflush
alias c_plfont plplot::plfont
alias c_plfontld plplot::plfontld
alias c_plgchr plplot::plgchr
alias c_plgcol0 plplot::plgcol0
alias c_plgcolbg plplot::plgcolbg
alias c_plgcol0a plplot::plgcol0a
alias c_plgcolbga plplot::plgcolbga
alias c_plgcompression plplot::plgcompression
alias c_plgdidev plplot::plgdidev
alias c_plgdiori plplot::plgdiori
alias c_plgdiplt plplot::plgdiplt
alias c_plgfam plplot::plgfam
alias c_plgfci plplot::plgfci
alias c_plgfont plplot::plgfont
alias c_plglevel plplot::plglevel
alias c_plgpage plplot::plgpage
alias c_plgradient plplot::plgrdient
alias c_plgra plplot::plgra
alias c_plgspa plplot::plgspa
alias c_plgstrm plplot::plgstrm
alias c_plgvpd plplot::plgvpd
alias c_plgvpw plplot::plgvpw
alias c_plgxax plplot::plgxax
alias c_plgyax plplot::plgyax
alias c_plgzax plplot::plgzax
alias c_plhlsrgb plplot::plhlsrgb
alias c_plinit plplot::plinit
alias c_pljoin plplot::pljoin
alias c_pllightsource plplot::pllightsource
alias c_plpath plplot::plpath
alias c_pllsty plplot::pllsty
alias c_plmeridians plplot::plmeridians
alias c_plmkstrm plplot::plmkstrm
alias c_plprec plplot::plprec
alias c_plpsty plplot::plpsty
alias c_plrandd plplot::plrandd
alias c_plreplot plplot::plreplot
alias c_plrgbhls plplot::plrgbhls
alias c_plschr plplot::plschr
alias c_plscmap0n plplot::plscmap0n
alias c_plscmap1n plplot::plscmap1n
alias c_plscmap1_range plplot::plscmap1_range
alias c_plscol0 plplot::plscol0
alias c_plscol0a plplot::plscol0a
alias c_plscolbg plplot::plscolbg
alias c_plscolbga plplot::plscolbga
alias c_plscolor plplot::plscolor
alias c_plscompression plplot::plscompression
alias c_plsdidev plplot::plsdidev
alias c_plsdimap plplot::plsdimap
alias c_plsdiori plplot::plsdiori
alias c_plsdiplt plplot::plsdiplt
alias c_plsdiplz plplot::plsdiplz
alias c_plseed plplot::plseed
alias c_plsesc plplot::plsesc
alias c_plsfam plplot::plsfam
alias c_plsfci plplot::plsfci
alias c_plsfont plplot::plsfont
alias c_plsmaj plplot::plsmaj
alias c_plsmem plplot::plsmem
alias c_plsmin plplot::plsmin
alias c_plsori plplot::plsori
alias c_plspage plplot::plspage
alias c_plspause plplot::plspause
alias c_plsstrm plplot::plsstrm
alias c_plssub plplot::plssub
alias c_plssym plplot::plssym
alias c_plstar plplot::plstar
alias c_plstransform plplot::plstransform
alias c_plstripa plplot::plstripa
alias c_plstripd plplot::plstripd
alias c_plsvpa plplot::plsvpa
alias c_plsxax plplot::plsxax
alias c_plsyax plplot::plsyax
alias c_plszax plplot::plszax
alias c_pltext plplot::pltext
alias c_plvasp plplot::plvasp
alias c_plvpas plplot::plvpas
alias c_plvpor plplot::plvpor
alias c_plvsta plplot::plvsta
alias c_plw3d plplot::plw3d
alias c_plwidth plplot::plwidth
alias c_plwind plplot::plwind
alias c_plxormod plplot::plxormod