PLplot  5.15.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 //
3 // File: hash.c
4 //
5 // Purpose: Hash table implementation
6 //
7 // Author: Jerry Coffin
8 //
9 // Description: Public domain code by Jerry Coffin, with improvements by
10 // HenkJan Wolthuis.
11 // Date last modified: 05-Jul-1997
12 //
13 // Revisions: 18-09-2002 -- modified by Pavel Sakov
14 //
15 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 #include <string.h>
18 #include <stdlib.h>
19 #include <assert.h>
20 #include "hash.h"
22 #define INT_PER_DOUBLE 2
24 //* A hash table consists of an array of these buckets.
25 //
26 typedef struct ht_bucket
27 {
28  void * key;
29  void * data;
30  int id; // unique id -- just in case
31  struct ht_bucket* next;
32 } ht_bucket;
34 //* Hash table structure.
35 // Note that more nodes than `size' can be inserted in the table,
36 // but performance degrades as this happens.
37 //
38 struct hashtable
39 {
40  int size; // table size
41  int n; // current number of entries
42  int naccum; // number of inserted entries
43  int nhash; // number of used table elements
48 };
50 int d1eq( void* key1, void* key2 );
52 // Creates a hashtable of specified size.
53 //
54 hashtable* ht_create( int size, ht_keycp cp, ht_keyeq eq, ht_key2hash hash )
55 {
56  hashtable* table = malloc( sizeof ( hashtable ) );
57  ht_bucket** bucket;
58  int i;
60  assert( sizeof ( double ) == INT_PER_DOUBLE * sizeof ( int ) );
61  //
62  // (used in d1hash() and d2hash())
63  //
65  if ( table == NULL )
66  return NULL;
68  if ( size <= 0 )
69  {
70  free( table );
71  return NULL;
72  }
74  table->size = size;
75  table->table = malloc( sizeof ( ht_bucket* ) * (size_t) size );
76  bucket = table->table;
78  if ( bucket == NULL )
79  {
80  free( table );
81  return NULL;
82  }
84  for ( i = 0; i < size; ++i )
85  bucket[i] = NULL;
86  table->n = 0;
87  table->naccum = 0;
88  table->nhash = 0;
89  table->eq = eq;
90  table->cp = cp;
91  table->hash = hash;
93  return table;
94 }
96 // Destroys a hash table.
97 // (Take care of deallocating data by ht_process() prior to destroying the
98 // table if necessary.)
99 //
100 // @param table Hash table to be destroyed
101 //
102 void ht_destroy( hashtable* table )
103 {
104  int i;
106  if ( table == NULL )
107  return;
109  for ( i = 0; i < table->size; ++i )
110  {
111  ht_bucket* bucket;
113  for ( bucket = ( table->table )[i]; bucket != NULL; )
114  {
115  ht_bucket* prev = bucket;
117  free( bucket->key );
118  bucket = bucket->next;
119  free( prev );
120  }
121  }
123  free( table->table );
124  free( table );
125 }
127 // Inserts a new entry into the hash table.
128 //
129 // @param table The hash table
130 // @param key Ponter to entry's key
131 // @param data Pointer to associated data
132 // @return Pointer to the old data associated with the key, NULL if the key
133 // wasn't in the table previously
134 //
135 void* ht_insert( hashtable* table, void* key, void* data )
136 {
137  unsigned int val = table->hash( key ) % (unsigned int) table->size;
138  ht_bucket * bucket;
140  //
141  // NULL means this bucket hasn't been used yet. We'll simply allocate
142  // space for our new bucket and put our data there, with the table
143  // pointing at it.
144  //
145  if ( ( table->table )[val] == NULL )
146  {
147  bucket = malloc( sizeof ( ht_bucket ) );
148  if ( bucket == NULL )
149  return NULL;
151  bucket->key = table->cp( key );
152  bucket->next = NULL;
153  bucket->data = data;
154  bucket->id = table->naccum;
156  ( table->table )[val] = bucket;
157  table->n++;
158  table->naccum++;
159  table->nhash++;
161  return bucket->data;
162  }
164  //
165  // This spot in the table is already in use. See if the current string
166  // has already been inserted, and if so, return corresponding data.
167  //
168  for ( bucket = ( table->table )[val]; bucket != NULL; bucket = bucket->next )
169  if ( table->eq( key, bucket->key ) == 1 )
170  {
171  void* old_data = bucket->data;
173  bucket->data = data;
174  bucket->id = table->naccum;
175  table->naccum++;
177  return old_data;
178  }
180  //
181  // This key must not be in the table yet. We'll add it to the head of
182  // the list at this spot in the hash table. Speed would be slightly
183  // improved if the list was kept sorted instead. In this case, this
184  // code would be moved into the loop above, and the insertion would take
185  // place as soon as it was determined that the present key in the list
186  // was larger than this one.
187  //
188  bucket = (ht_bucket *) malloc( sizeof ( ht_bucket ) );
189  if ( bucket == NULL )
190  return 0;
191  bucket->key = table->cp( key );
192  bucket->data = data;
193  bucket->next = ( table->table )[val];
194  bucket->id = table->naccum;
196  ( table->table )[val] = bucket;
197  table->n++;
198  table->naccum++;
200  return data;
201 }
203 // Returns a pointer to the data associated with a key. If the key has
204 // not been inserted in the table, returns NULL.
205 //
206 // @param table The hash table
207 // @param key The key
208 // @return The associated data or NULL
209 //
210 void* ht_find( hashtable* table, void* key )
211 {
212  unsigned int val = table->hash( key ) % (unsigned int) table->size;
213  ht_bucket * bucket;
215  if ( ( table->table )[val] == NULL )
216  return NULL;
218  for ( bucket = ( table->table )[val]; bucket != NULL; bucket = bucket->next )
219  if ( table->eq( key, bucket->key ) == 1 )
220  return bucket->data;
222  return NULL;
223 }
225 // Deletes an entry from the table. Returns a pointer to the data that
226 // was associated with the key so that the calling code can dispose it
227 // properly.
228 //
229 // @param table The hash table
230 // @param key The key
231 // @return The associated data or NULL
232 //
233 void* ht_delete( hashtable* table, void* key )
234 {
235  unsigned int val = table->hash( key ) % (unsigned int) table->size;
236  ht_bucket * prev;
237  ht_bucket * bucket;
238  void * data;
240  if ( ( table->table )[val] == NULL )
241  return NULL;
243  //
244  // Traverse the list, keeping track of the previous node in the list.
245  // When we find the node to delete, we set the previous node's next
246  // pointer to point to the node after ourself instead. We then delete
247  // the key from the present node, and return a pointer to the data it
248  // contains.
249  //
250  for ( prev = NULL, bucket = ( table->table )[val]; bucket != NULL; prev = bucket, bucket = bucket->next )
251  {
252  if ( table->eq( key, bucket->key ) == 1 )
253  {
254  data = bucket->data;
255  if ( prev != NULL )
256  prev->next = bucket->next;
257  else
258  {
259  //
260  // If 'prev' still equals NULL, it means that we need to
261  // delete the first node in the list. This simply consists
262  // of putting our own 'next' pointer in the array holding
263  // the head of the list. We then dispose of the current
264  // node as above.
265  //
266  ( table->table )[val] = bucket->next;
267  table->nhash--;
268  }
269  free( bucket->key );
270  free( bucket );
271  table->n--;
273  return data;
274  }
275  }
277  //
278  // If we get here, it means we didn't find the item in the table. Signal
279  // this by returning NULL.
280  //
281  return NULL;
282 }
284 // For each entry, calls a specified function with corresponding data as a
285 // parameter.
286 //
287 // @param table The hash table
288 // @param func The action function
289 //
290 void ht_process( hashtable* table, void ( *func )( void* ) )
291 {
292  int i;
294  for ( i = 0; i < table->size; ++i )
295  if ( ( table->table )[i] != NULL )
296  {
297  ht_bucket* bucket;
299  for ( bucket = ( table->table )[i]; bucket != NULL; bucket = bucket->next )
300  func( bucket->data );
301  }
302 }
304 //
305 // functions for for string keys
306 //
308 static unsigned int strhash( void* key )
309 {
310  char * str = (char *) key;
311  unsigned int hashvalue = 0;
313  while ( *str != 0 )
314  {
315  hashvalue ^= *(unsigned int *) str;
316  hashvalue <<= 1;
317  str++;
318  }
320  return hashvalue;
321 }
323 static void* strcp( void* key )
324 {
325  return (void *) strdup( (const char *) key );
326 }
328 static int streq( void* key1, void* key2 )
329 {
330  return !strcmp( key1, key2 );
331 }
333 // functions for for double keys
335 static unsigned int d1hash( void* key )
336 {
337  unsigned int* v = (unsigned int *) key;
339 #if INT_PER_DOUBLE == 2
340  return v[0] + v[1];
341 #else
342 #error not implemented
343 #endif
344 }
346 static void* d1cp( void* key )
347 {
348  double* newkey = malloc( sizeof ( double ) );
350  *newkey = *(double *) key;
352  return newkey;
353 }
355 int d1eq( void* key1, void* key2 )
356 {
357  return *(double *) key1 == *(double *) key2;
358 }
360 //
361 // functions for for double[2] keys
362 //
364 #include "math.h"
366 static unsigned int d2hash( void* key )
367 {
368  unsigned int* v = (unsigned int *) key;
370 #if INT_PER_DOUBLE == 2
371  //
372  // PS: here multiplications suppose to make (a,b) and (b,a) generate
373  // different hash values
374  //
375  return v[0] + v[1] + v[2] * 3 + v[3] * 7;
376 #else
377 #error not implemented
378 #endif
379 }
381 static void* d2cp( void* key )
382 {
383  double* newkey = malloc( sizeof ( double ) * 2 );
385  newkey[0] = ( (double *) key )[0];
386  newkey[1] = ( (double *) key )[1];
388  return newkey;
389 }
391 static int d2eq( void* key1, void* key2 )
392 {
393  return ( ( (double *) key1 )[0] == ( (double *) key2 )[0] ) && ( ( (double *) key1 )[1] == ( (double *) key2 )[1] );
394 }
397 {
398  return ht_create( size, d1cp, d1eq, d1hash );
399 }
402 {
403  return ht_create( size, d2cp, d2eq, d2hash );
404 }
407 {
408  return ht_create( size, strcp, streq, strhash );
409 }
411 #ifdef HT_TEST
413 #include <stdio.h>
414 #include <limits.h>
416 #define BUFSIZE 1024
418 static void print_double( void* data )
419 {
420  printf( " \"%d\"", (int) *(double *) data );
421 }
423 static void print_string( void* data )
424 {
425  printf( " \"%s\"", (char *) data );
426 }
428 int main()
429 {
430  double points[] = {
431  922803.7855, 7372394.688, 0,
432  922849.2037, 7372307.027, 1,
433  922894.657, 7372219.306, 2,
434  922940.1475, 7372131.528, 3,
435  922985.6777, 7372043.692, 4,
436  923031.2501, 7371955.802, 5,
437  923076.8669, 7371867.857, 6,
438  923122.5307, 7371779.861, 7,
439  923168.2439, 7371691.816, 8,
440  923214.0091, 7371603.722, 9,
441  923259.8288, 7371515.583, 10,
442  922891.3958, 7372440.117, 11,
443  922936.873, 7372352.489, 12,
444  922982.3839, 7372264.804, 13,
445  923027.9308, 7372177.064, 14,
446  923073.5159, 7372089.268, 15,
447  923119.1415, 7372001.42, 16,
448  923164.8099, 7371913.521, 17,
449  923210.5233, 7371825.572, 18,
450  923256.2841, 7371737.575, 19,
451  923302.0946, 7371649.534, 20,
452  923347.9572, 7371561.45, 21,
453  922978.9747, 7372485.605, 22,
454  923024.5085, 7372398.009, 23,
455  923070.0748, 7372310.358, 24,
456  923115.6759, 7372222.654, 25,
457  923161.3136, 7372134.897, 26,
458  923206.9903, 7372047.09, 27,
459  923252.7079, 7371959.233, 28,
460  923298.4686, 7371871.33, 29,
461  923344.2745, 7371783.381, 30,
462  923390.1279, 7371695.389, 31,
463  923436.0309, 7371607.357, 32,
464  923066.5232, 7372531.148, 33,
465  923112.1115, 7372443.583, 34,
466  923157.7311, 7372355.966, 35,
467  923203.3842, 7372268.296, 36,
468  923249.0725, 7372180.577, 37,
469  923294.7981, 7372092.808, 38,
470  923340.5628, 7372004.993, 39,
471  923386.3686, 7371917.132, 40,
472  923432.2176, 7371829.229, 41,
473  923478.1116, 7371741.284, 42,
474  923524.0527, 7371653.302, 43,
475  923154.0423, 7372576.746, 44,
476  923199.6831, 7372489.211, 45,
477  923245.3541, 7372401.625, 46,
478  923291.0572, 7372313.989, 47,
479  923336.7941, 7372226.305, 48,
480  923382.5667, 7372138.574, 49,
481  923428.3766, 7372050.798, 50,
482  923474.2256, 7371962.978, 51,
483  923520.1155, 7371875.118, 52,
484  923566.0481, 7371787.218, 53,
485  923612.0252, 7371699.282, 54,
486  923241.533, 7372622.396, 55,
487  923287.2244, 7372534.889, 56,
488  923332.9449, 7372447.334, 57,
489  923378.6963, 7372359.731, 58,
490  923424.4801, 7372272.081, 59,
491  923470.2979, 7372184.385, 60,
492  923516.1513, 7372096.646, 61,
493  923562.0418, 7372008.866, 62,
494  923607.9709, 7371921.046, 63,
495  923653.9402, 7371833.188, 64,
496  923699.9514, 7371745.296, 65,
497  923328.9962, 7372668.095, 66,
498  923374.7365, 7372580.617, 67,
499  923420.5049, 7372493.091, 68,
500  923466.303, 7372405.519, 69,
501  923512.1321, 7372317.901, 70,
502  923557.9936, 7372230.24, 71,
503  923603.8889, 7372142.536, 72,
504  923649.8192, 7372054.793, 73,
505  923695.786, 7371967.011, 74,
506  923741.7905, 7371879.193, 75,
507  923787.8341, 7371791.342, 76,
508  923416.4327, 7372713.844, 77,
509  923462.2204, 7372626.393, 78,
510  923508.0353, 7372538.895, 79,
511  923553.8787, 7372451.353, 80,
512  923599.7517, 7372363.766, 81,
513  923645.6555, 7372276.137, 82,
514  923691.5914, 7372188.467, 83,
515  923737.5603, 7372100.757, 84,
516  923783.5634, 7372013.011, 85,
517  923829.6017, 7371925.231, 86,
518  923875.6763, 7371837.419, 87,
519  923503.8433, 7372759.64, 88,
520  923549.6771, 7372672.214, 89,
521  923595.5372, 7372584.744, 90,
522  923641.4246, 7372497.23, 91,
523  923687.3404, 7372409.673, 92,
524  923733.2855, 7372322.074, 93,
525  923779.2608, 7372234.436, 94,
526  923825.2672, 7372146.759, 95,
527  923871.3056, 7372059.047, 96,
528  923917.3766, 7371971.301, 97,
529  923963.4812, 7371883.524, 98,
530  923591.2288, 7372805.481, 99,
531  923637.1076, 7372718.081, 100,
532  923683.0118, 7372630.638, 101,
533  923728.9423, 7372543.151, 102,
534  923774.8998, 7372455.622, 103,
535  923820.8852, 7372368.052, 104,
536  923866.8991, 7372280.443, 105,
537  923912.9422, 7372192.797, 106,
538  923959.015, 7372105.116, 107,
539  924005.118, 7372017.402, 108,
540  924051.2518, 7371929.657, 109,
541  923678.5898, 7372851.367, 110,
542  923724.5126, 7372763.992, 111,
543  923770.46, 7372676.574, 112,
544  923816.4328, 7372589.113, 113,
545  923862.4314, 7372501.611, 114,
546  923908.4564, 7372414.069, 115,
547  923954.5083, 7372326.488, 116,
548  924000.5875, 7372238.87, 117,
549  924046.6941, 7372151.218, 118,
550  924092.8286, 7372063.533, 119,
551  924138.9911, 7371975.818, 120
552  };
554  int size = sizeof ( points ) / sizeof ( double ) / 3;
555  hashtable* ht;
556  int i;
558  //
559  // double[2] key
560  //
562  printf( "\n1. Testing a table with key of double[2] type\n\n" );
564  printf( " creating a table..." );
565  ht = ht_create_d2( size );
566  printf( "done\n" );
568  printf( " inserting %d values from a file...", size );
569  for ( i = 0; i < size; ++i )
570  ht_insert( ht, &points[i * 3], &points[i * 3 + 2] );
571  printf( "done\n" );
573  printf( " stats:\n" );
574  printf( " %d entries, %d table elements, %d filled elements\n", ht->n, ht->size, ht->nhash );
575  printf( " %f entries per hash value in use\n", (double) ht->n / ht->nhash );
577  printf( " finding and printing each 10th data:\n" );
578  for ( i = 0; i < size; i += 10 )
579  {
580  double* point = &points[i * 3];
581  double* data = ht_find( ht, point );
583  if ( data != NULL )
584  printf( " i = %d; data = \"%d\"\n", i, (int) *data );
585  else
586  printf( " i = %d; data = <none>\n", i );
587  }
589  printf( " removing every 3rd element..." );
590  for ( i = 0; i < size; i += 3 )
591  {
592  double* point = &points[i * 3];
593  ht_delete( ht, point );
594  }
595  printf( "done\n" );
597  printf( " stats:\n" );
598  printf( " %d entries, %d table elements, %d filled elements\n", ht->n, ht->size, ht->nhash );
599  printf( " %f entries per hash value in use\n", (double) ht->n / ht->nhash );
601  printf( " finding and printing each 10th data:\n" );
602  for ( i = 0; i < size; i += 10 )
603  {
604  double* point = &points[i * 3];
605  double* data = ht_find( ht, point );
607  if ( data != NULL )
608  printf( " i = %d; data = \"%d\"\n", i, (int) *data );
609  else
610  printf( " i = %d; data = <none>\n", i );
611  }
613  printf( " printing all data by calling ht_process():\n " );
614  ht_process( ht, print_double );
616  printf( "\n destroying the hash table..." );
617  ht_destroy( ht );
618  printf( "done\n" );
620  //
621  // char* key
622  //
624  printf( "\n2. Testing a table with key of char* type\n\n" );
626  printf( " creating a table..." );
627  ht = ht_create_str( size );
628  printf( "done\n" );
630  printf( " inserting %d elements with deep copy of each data string...", size );
631  for ( i = 0; i < size; ++i )
632  {
633  char key[BUFSIZE];
634  char str[BUFSIZE];
635  char * data;
637  sprintf( key, "%d-th key", i );
638  sprintf( str, "%d-th data", i );
639  data = strdup( str );
640  ht_insert( ht, key, data );
641  }
642  printf( "done\n" );
644  printf( " stats:\n" );
645  printf( " %d entries, %d table elements, %d filled elements\n", ht->n, ht->size, ht->nhash );
646  printf( " %f entries per hash value in use\n", (double) ht->n / ht->nhash );
648  printf( " finding and printing each 10th data:\n" );
649  for ( i = 0; i < size; i += 10 )
650  {
651  char key[BUFSIZE];
652  char * data;
654  sprintf( key, "%d-th key", i );
655  data = ht_find( ht, key );
656  if ( data != NULL )
657  printf( " i = %d; data = \"%s\"\n", i, data );
658  else
659  printf( " i = %d; data = <none>\n", i );
660  }
662  printf( " removing every 3rd element..." );
663  for ( i = 0; i < size; i += 3 )
664  {
665  char key[BUFSIZE];
667  sprintf( key, "%d-th key", i );
668  free( ht_delete( ht, key ) );
669  }
670  printf( "done\n" );
672  printf( " stats:\n" );
673  printf( " %d entries, %d table elements, %d filled elements\n", ht->n, ht->size, ht->nhash );
674  printf( " %f entries per hash value in use\n", (double) ht->n / ht->nhash );
676  printf( " finding and printing each 10th data:\n" );
677  for ( i = 0; i < size; i += 10 )
678  {
679  char key[BUFSIZE];
680  char * data;
682  sprintf( key, "%d-th key", i );
683  data = ht_find( ht, key );
684  if ( data != NULL )
685  printf( " i = %d; data = \"%s\"\n", i, data );
686  else
687  printf( " i = %d; data = <none>\n", i );
688  }
690  printf( " printing all data by calling ht_process():\n " );
691  ht_process( ht, print_string );
693  printf( "\n freeing the remaining data by calling ht_process()..." );
694  ht_process( ht, free );
695  printf( "done\n" );
697  printf( " destroying the hash table..." );
698  ht_destroy( ht );
699  printf( "done\n" );
701  return 0;
702 }
704 #endif // HT_TEST
void * ht_find(hashtable *table, void *key)
Definition: hash.c:210
void * ht_delete(hashtable *table, void *key)
Definition: hash.c:233
int d1eq(void *key1, void *key2)
Definition: hash.c:355
static void * d2cp(void *key)
Definition: hash.c:381
hashtable * ht_create(int size, ht_keycp cp, ht_keyeq eq, ht_key2hash hash)
Definition: hash.c:54
ht_key2hash hash
Definition: hash.c:46
void ht_destroy(hashtable *table)
Definition: hash.c:102
static void * d1cp(void *key)
Definition: hash.c:346
Definition: hash.c:22
hashtable * ht_create_str(int size)
Definition: hash.c:406
struct ht_bucket ht_bucket
hashtable * ht_create_d1(int size)
Definition: hash.c:396
int naccum
Definition: hash.c:42
int size
Definition: hash.c:40
int n
Definition: hash.c:41
void *(* ht_keycp)(void *)
Definition: hash.h:25
ht_bucket ** table
Definition: hash.c:47
unsigned int(* ht_key2hash)(void *)
Definition: hash.h:33
static unsigned int d1hash(void *key)
Definition: hash.c:335
int nhash
Definition: hash.c:43
int main()
Definition: cdexpert.c:35
int id
Definition: hash.c:30
void ht_process(hashtable *table, void(*func)(void *))
Definition: hash.c:290
Definition: hash.c:26
void * data
Definition: hash.c:29
struct ht_bucket * next
Definition: hash.c:31
Definition: csa.h:29
static void * strcp(void *key)
Definition: hash.c:323
ht_keyeq eq
Definition: hash.c:45
#define BUFSIZE
Definition: nncommon.c:39
static unsigned int d2hash(void *key)
Definition: hash.c:366
static unsigned int strhash(void *key)
Definition: hash.c:308
void * key
Definition: hash.c:28
static int streq(void *key1, void *key2)
Definition: hash.c:328
void * ht_insert(hashtable *table, void *key, void *data)
Definition: hash.c:135
int(* ht_keyeq)(void *, void *)
Definition: hash.h:29
ht_keycp cp
Definition: hash.c:44
static int d2eq(void *key1, void *key2)
Definition: hash.c:391
hashtable * ht_create_d2(int size)
Definition: hash.c:401
Definition: hash.c:38