plerrx: Draw error bars in x direction

plerrx (n,

Draws a set of n error bars in x direction, the i'th error bar extending from xmin[i] to xmax[i] at y coordinate y[i]. The terminals of the error bars are of length equal to the minor tick length (settable using plsmin).

n (PLINT, input)

Number of error bars to draw.

xmin (PLFLT_VECTOR, input)

A vector containing the x coordinates of the left-hand endpoints of the error bars.

xmax (PLFLT_VECTOR, input)

A vector containing the x coordinates of the right-hand endpoints of the error bars.

y (PLFLT_VECTOR, input)

A vector containing the y coordinates of the error bars.

Redacted form:

This function is used in example 29.