plcont: Contour plot for Fortran

This is an overloaded function with a variety of argument lists:

	interface plcont
	subroutine plcontour_0(z,kx,lx,ky,ly,clevel)
	integer                          :: kx,lx,ky,ly
	real(kind=plflt), dimension(:,:) :: z
	real(kind=plflt), dimension(:)   :: clevel
	end subroutine plcontour_0

	subroutine plcontour_1(z,kx,lx,ky,ly,clevel,xg,yg)
	integer                          :: kx,lx,ky,ly
	real(kind=plflt), dimension(:,:) :: z
	real(kind=plflt), dimension(:)   :: clevel
	real(kind=plflt), dimension(:)   :: xg
	real(kind=plflt), dimension(:)   :: yg
	end subroutine plcontour_1

	subroutine plcontour_2(z,kx,lx,ky,ly,clevel,xg,yg)
	integer                          :: kx,lx,ky,ly
	real(kind=plflt), dimension(:,:) :: z
	real(kind=plflt), dimension(:)   :: clevel
	real(kind=plflt), dimension(:,:) :: xg
	real(kind=plflt), dimension(:,:) :: yg
	end subroutine plcontour_2

	subroutine plcontour_tr(z,kx,lx,ky,ly,clevel,tr)
	integer                          :: kx,lx,ky,ly
	real(kind=plflt), dimension(:,:) :: z
	real(kind=plflt), dimension(:)   :: clevel
	real(kind=plflt), dimension(6)   :: tr
	end subroutine plcontour_tr

	subroutine plcontour_0_all(z,clevel)
	real(kind=plflt), dimension(:,:) :: z
	real(kind=plflt), dimension(:)   :: clevel
	end subroutine plcontour_0_all

	subroutine plcontour_1_all(z,clevel,xg,yg)
	real(kind=plflt), dimension(:,:) :: z
	real(kind=plflt), dimension(:)   :: clevel
	real(kind=plflt), dimension(:)   :: xg
	real(kind=plflt), dimension(:)   :: yg
	end subroutine plcontour_1_all

	subroutine plcontour_2_all(z,clevel,xg,yg)
	real(kind=plflt), dimension(:,:) :: z
	real(kind=plflt), dimension(:)   :: clevel
	real(kind=plflt), dimension(:,:) :: xg
	real(kind=plflt), dimension(:,:) :: yg
	end subroutine plcontour_2_all

	subroutine plcontour_tr_all(z,clevel,tr)
	real(kind=plflt), dimension(:,:) :: z
	real(kind=plflt), dimension(:)   :: clevel
	real(kind=plflt), dimension(6)   :: tr
	end subroutine plcontour_tr_all
	end interface

When called from Fortran, this overloaded routine has the same effect as when invoked from C. See examples/fortran/x??f.f90 for various ways to call plcont from Fortran.

The meaning of the various arguments is as follows:

z (real(kind=plflt), dimension(:,:), input)

Matrix containing the values to be plotted.

kx, lx (integer, input)

Range for the first index in the matrix z to consider. If not given, then the whole first index is considered.

clevel (real(kind=plflt), dimension(:), input)

Levels at which the contours are computed and drawn.

kx, lx (integer, input)

Range for the first index in the matrix z to consider. If not given, then the whole first index is considered.

ky, ly (integer, input)

Range for the second index in the matrix z to consider. If not given, then the whole second index is considered.

xg (real(kind=plft), dimension(:) or real(kind=plft), dimension(:,:), input)

The x-coordinates for the grid lines (if one-dimensional) or the x-coordinates of the grid vertices (if two-dimensional). The values in the matrix are plotted at these coordinates. If not given, implicit coordinates are used (equal to the indices in the matrix).

yg (real(kind=plft), dimension(:) or real(kind=plft), dimension(:,:), input)

The y-coordinates for the grid lines (if one-dimensional) or the x-coordinates of the grid vertices (if two-dimensional). The values in the matrix are plotted at these coordinates.

tr (real(kind=plft), dimension(6), input)

The coefficients of an affine transformation:

		x = tr(1) * ix + tr(2) * iy + tr(3)
		y = tr(4) * ix + tr(5) * iy + tr(6)

The indices of the matrix element are used to compute the "actual" coordinates according to the above formulae.